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Is your baby showing signs of discomfort? Having difficulty with feeding, nappy changes or rejecting soothing cuddles?
Baby Joe was 6 weeks old when he attended my clinic with his mother Carina. She was worried about his unsettledness, poor sleeping and especially his crying and arching after feeding. She had heard from other mums that craniosacral therapy helped their babies feed and sleep with ease.
Our session began with Carina recounting Joe's birth. Joe was Carina’s first baby and was delivered by forceps. I explained that during delivery there is pressure on the baby’s head as the membranes lining the skull are stretched, increasing the tension throughout the baby's body. Although a natural part of the delivery process, excessive pressure (i.e. use of forceps/ slow delivery) can place extra tension on Joe's little skull and neck. This causes restriction on the nerves governing digestion and sleep resulting in the unsettledness shown by Baby Joe. The tension in the digestive system created pockets of wind and cramping, causing him to arch and clench his fists in pain.
With the gentle touch of craniosacral therapy I helped Joe release the tension he was feeling in his body especially around his head, neck and tummy. He sat on Carina's lap at the start of the session, as he relaxed he lay on the bed with Mum beside him.
After 3 sessions Carina noticed he was more comfortable after feeding, slept better and his little fists were open and relaxed.
Carina also availed of some treatments. By easing the tension in her own body she was better able to care for and enjoy her wonderful new baby. With my physio hat on I suggested suitable positions for feeding, carrying, and basic pelvic floor exercises so that Jane could return to her favourite sport – running.